
Why good yoga equipment is so important from a therapeutic point of view - by Lena Braun

Yoga in autumn and winter

The sustainable & right meditation pillow – 6 asanas with the hejhej-pillow

The hejhej-eyepillow – a sustainable eye pillow in cooperation with Nyuzi Blackwhite

Katonah Yoga – an introduction

Yoga block strechtes – the sustainable hejhej-block

Yoga for the wrists

Prejudices about yoga accessories

Exercises with strap and meditation pillow

Your weekly yoga plan from hejhej on Youtube

Why yoga pillow refills are sustainable

Recycling Round No. 1

Why you should use your Yoga Bolster for more than just your yoga practice – Yoga Bolster Usage

7 uses of the Yoga Spray – the sustainable hejhej-spray

hejhej-spray – the sustainable yoga spray for your yoga practice

The most beautiful 7 eye pillow usages with the hejhej-eyepillow

Yoga block exercises with the sustainable hejhej-block

Bolster Yoga – 4 playful asanas

Yin yoga poses with your hejhej-bolster

The sustainable yoga bolster