Sol bestickt ein hejhej-pillow
all about yoga

The Art of Slowing down – with our limited sol x hejhej-pillow

In our fast-paced world, the need to slow down and enjoy the moment is becoming ever greater. At hejhej, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do – from all our products to our goal of pr...
Familien Yogamatte und Rudergerät Unterlage
all about yoga

Special Edition: hejhej-mat XXL as family yoga mat and rowing machine mat

Imagine finally having enough space to enjoy your yoga practice without restrictions. Your yoga mat is not only sustainable, but also extra long and offers you and your family the comfort you deser...
Eine Frau schaut mit Zuversicht in die Zukunft - Wirkungsbericht von hejhej 2023
circular economy

Impact Report Nr. 4 - your impact 2023

For the past year 2023, we have once again summarised all our impact for you as transparently as possible. The impact on this world that we make together WITH YOU. Our hejhej-community is a very la...
Die Natürliche Wohltat: Nachhaltiges und regionales Traubenkernkissen
all about yoga

The natural treat: sustainable and regional grape seed pillow

The hejhej-eyepillow eye pillow is filled with regional grape seeds. Here we tell you another application of the social pillow and why you should definitely try warming up or cooling down. The natu...
Die Suffizienzstrategie bei hejhej
circular economy

The sufficiency strategy – what does it mean?

Eine Frau sitzt in schwarzer Yoga Kleidung auf dem Boden
circular economy

The circular economy: 3 examples from the yoga industry

Some time ago, we had the opportunity to talk to the 7th grade of a Montessori school about sustainability and introduce hejhej-mats. This day gave us incredibly valuable new food for thought beca...
Ein schöner Eingang eines Hauses lässt deinen Blick sanft werden
circular economy

Circular Economy and Zero Waste

Have you ever thought about the connections and similarities between the two sustainability approaches Circular Economy and Zero Waste? What does Zero Waste have to do with our yoga mats? Making t...
hejhej-mat in eher hell und dunkle stehen nebeneinander
circular economy

Buy One, Donate One Vol. 3 – Social sustainability at hejhej through mat donations for good causes

Our third buy one donate one starts today. Three great projects in Germany are now waiting for our hejhej-mat mat donation. During the next days, we are going to donate 25 hejhej-mats. H...
Ein Halbmond lässt dich über das letzte Jahr nachdenken
circular economy

Impact Report No. 3 – Joyful but tough year 2022

Writing the impact report for the year 2022 is particularly difficult for us. The current time holds many challenges and yet many joyful things have happened again at hejhej. In the following, we ...
Detailaufnahme der Spelze im hejhe- Bolster
circular economy

Why yoga pillow refills are sustainable

The durability of hejhej products is an essential criterion for us in product development. High-quality materials that are carefully processed lead to the longevity of a product. The lon...
Recycling Aufruf hejhej-mats
circular economy

Recycling Round No. 1

Recycle your hejhej-mat – 1st recycling round after approx. 4 years Most of the existing yoga mats are not recyclable, so basically, all of them will end up as waste. That’s just crazy! The good n...
Der Wirkungsbericht von hejhej aus dem Jahr 2021
circular economy

hejhej’s Impact Report No. 2 – Ecological and Social Impact 2021

Promoting sustainability and creating impact is particularly close to our hearts at hejhej. All areas of the company are geared towards this. On our website, we have added the tab “sustainability”...
rote Katze liegt auf dem hejhej-bolster beim Landwirt zuhause
circular economy

What hejhej has in common with an organic farm – circular economy businesses

The circular economy is the most important building block of our company. A way of doing business that we live and thus show what is possible – a circular economy business. Like everythi...
diese helle recycelte Yogamatte steckt voll Abfällen und zeigt hejhej-mats Einfluss
circular economy

Biological and technical cycle – Circular Economy

Circular Economy – a quick introduction The circular economy holds the greatest sustainability potential for us. It is an alternative economy to the consumption of finite resources. In t...
hejhej-mat eher helle
circular economy

What the biggest hurdle in a circular business has to do with a hejhej-mats discount code

For us, the circular economy holds the greatest sustainability potential in the consumer world. Producers and consumers are equally responsible for ensuring that the cycle is truly close...
Die nachhaltige Produktion von Yogamatten von hejhej
circular economy

How does a sustainable production of a yoga mat work? A check list with 5 criteria

Nowadays, quite a lot of companies claim to be sustainable. For example, one of the largest fast-fashion companies in the world recently promoted its sustainable products. So sadly, we can’t just ...
Ein Yogastudio voll von recycelten Yogamatten - hejhej-mats ist dir erste recycelte Yogamatte und in verschiedenen Studios zu finden
circular economy

The first recycled yoga mat - we all need to change

It has never been more important to think about your own purchasing decisions. We all need to change our behaviour to save our planet from collapse. We want to showcase the power of consumers and t...
Der circular Monday zeigt Alternativen zur linearen Wirtschaft auf.
circular economy

What is Circular Monday all about?

We want to give you the strategies of the circular economy to enable you to make holistic decisions about the material things in your life. That's why Circular Monday is the Monday before Black Fri...
Crowdfunding hejhej-bag - warum wir wieder eine Kampagne starten
circular economy

Crowdfunding campaign hejhej-bag – why we do it again

The most important reason why we decided to launch another crowdfunding campaign is that we want you to decide whether our new product is really needed. We don't want to simply push an additional p...
graphische Darstellung des geschlossenen Produktkreislaufs der ersten closed-loop Yogamatte
circular economy

First closed-loop yoga mat – the hejhej-mat

Why are there so few sustainable companies and products? Why isn't there a closed-loop yoga mat yet? These were precisely the questions that led us to take matters into our own hands and develop th...
Zwei junge Frauen tragen ihre Yogamatte und zeigen, dass besonders die Kunden gefragt sind, um eine recycelbare Yogamatte zurückzuführen
circular economy

A circular yoga mat – why you should return it

A closed-loop yoga mat is only completely circular if you return it. One of the most important success factors of the circular economy is the consumer, because it is up to the consumer to return a ...