Die Natürliche Wohltat: Nachhaltiges und regionales Traubenkernkissen

The natural treat: sustainable and regional grape seed pillow

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The hejhej-eyepillow eye pillow is filled with regional grape seeds. Here we tell you another application of the social pillow and why you should definitely try warming up or cooling down.

The natural benefits of grape seeds

Our grape seed pillows are not just simple yoga equipment, but also offer a natural opportunity for relaxation. The use of regional grape seeds from Franconia not only supports the environment, but also brings natural oils and a pleasant texture that adapts optimally to the contours of your face.

The grape seed pillow lies warmed up on your stomach

Versatile use

A standout feature of our eye pillow is its versatility. It can be heated or cooled as needed. The oils in the grape seed pillows store the temperature. The warmth of the pillow helps to relieve tension and reduce stress, while the cooling effect is refreshing and revitalizing. This makes it a companion for yoga, meditation or just a break from hectic everyday life. For young and old!

How to warm up the grape seed pillow

Microwave: We recommend heating the pillow slowly at 600 watts and checking the temperature after about 20 seconds. To do this, you can knead the pillow slightly and feel it. If necessary, heat for another 10 seconds.

In the oven: Heat at approx. 120°C for about 2 to 3 minutes.

Important: You should always check the temperature by hand before use.

The eye pillow is placed gently on the eyes

Sustainability in focus

We have also made every decision for the hejhej grape seed pillow as sustainably as possible. That's why we use regional grape seeds from Franconia, which would potentially end up as waste. Through this approach, we reduce our ecological footprint and close the product cycle.

The fabric of the hejhej-eyepillows grape seed pillow consists of cotton offcuts that come from a sewing factory in Kenya. Here we work with a social project in Kenya. The Nyuzi Blackwhite project currently employs four seamstresses, a quality control and an independent seamstress who were hired fresh out of vocational school. The hiring of newly trained talent underlines the commitment to supporting young professionals locally in a small village in Kenya.

A significant goal of Nyuzi Blackwhite is to create a work-friendly environment. This also includes family-friendly measures, such as the possibility of working from home. This initiative underlines the commitment to creating a work culture that meets the individual needs of its employees.

hejhej grape seed pillow in small little baby hands

Also suitable for the little ones

Our grape seed pillows are also suitable as toddler and baby pillows. The gentle texture and natural properties of grape seeds make it a safe and soothing option. Simply warm slightly to provide a comfortable feeling of comfort, or use cool to help in warm weather. The felt grape seed pillow can also help with pain as a comfortable alternative to a cooling battery as it hugs the body more easily.

In addition to being used as a Savasana yoga relaxation pillow or as a companion to your meditation while lying down, the hejhej-eyepillow can also be used for your baby or toddler. Because you can easily wash the outer cover, the grape seed pillow is a loyal and long-lasting companion.

To complement your relaxation set, we have the hejhej-nowness in a bundle with the hejhej-spray. Great as a gift or as your little helper for your next meditation.

The combination with eye pillows and yoga practice is simply perfect for your relaxation

If you haven't had enough and would like to find out more details about the grape seed pillow and the Nyuzi Blackwhite social project in Kenya, then we have a detailed article about the hejhej pillow here .

We have also put together another 7 applications with the eye pillow for you.

We hope you enjoy your sustainable relaxation with grape seed pillows!