Ayurveda in der Schwangerschaft
all about yoga

Ayurveda during pregnancy

The empirical science of Ayurveda can support you during pregnancy. Below we have received a few practical tips from Nina Kamran, who supports her pregnancy with Ayurveda and yoga. In another journ...
Abendroutine und Ausgeglichen Sein mit Ernährung und Yoga
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Discover the evening routine from María Eskitxabel

María has filmed videos for our new category on YouTube: hejhej-friends. This is where we introduce inspiring people. To give you the chance to get to know María better, we have prepared an intervi...
Jana erzählt dir über Yoga und Sound
all about yoga

Yoga and sound - guest article with Jana

From the first moment Jana captivated us with her sound meditation, hosting our ceremony for the Yoga Days, it was simply magical. That's why today, we want to delve into a conversation with Jana, ...
Yoga im Wochenbett - Gastartikel von Vanessa Simon
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Yoga in the postpartum time - guest article by Vanessa Simon

Today we have a special type of yoga practice, namely the one in the postpartum period for you as a new mother after a birth. We are very grateful to partner with Vanessa , yoga teacher and doula, ...
Yoga im Winter und Herbst mit der Vata Zeit und dem hejhej Equipment
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Yoga in autumn and winter

We have a brief article by Nina Kamran for you on the current season. Here you can find out how your yoga routine can support you in the autumn and winter seasons, the Vata time in Ayurveda. Why a...
Eine Frau macht eine Drehhaltung auf der eher hellen hejhej-mat
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Yoga in sign language

Today we have something special for you. You know our mission to make yoga accessible to as many people as possible. We cooperate with yoga teachers who embody exactly that message. We are therefor...
Katja entspannt mit dem hejhej-bolster
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Accessible yoga for people with physical limitations – a guest article by Katja Sandschneider

Here we would like to share a guest article by Katja Sandschneider with you. We were very happy to share some important lines from Katja with you on the occasion of our new Youtube ...
Eine Katonah Rückbeuge auf der hejhej-mat
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Katonah yoga metaphors

Teaching Katonah Yoga Metaphors in German – that doesn’t happen very often. We recorded our latest YouTube videos with Steffi Grube from the This is Holy Yoga Studio in Cologne Germany. Today...
Inklusives Yoga im Rollstuhl mit Mechthild. Hier erfährst du spannende Ansätze und Tipps.
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Inclusive Yoga with Mechthild Kreuser

hejhej is committed to inclusive yoga. On our journey to make yoga more inclusive, we get to learn from many people. Here we have an exciting interview for you from Mechthild from Cologne. We film...
Yoga für die Handgelenke
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Yoga for the wrists

Maybe you just clicked on this article because you know the feeling that after a few sun salutations, your wrists are crying out for relief?! Maybe you landed on this article because you want to b...
yoga teacher alexa has her eyes closed and sits on her yoga mat

What is Human Design? An interview with Alexa Valentin

Through Instagram, we have often become aware of exciting people in the yoga world. This is also the case for the Austrian yoga teacher Alexa Valentin, who lives in Portugal and specialises i...
Surfen und Yoga
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Surfing and Yoga

Yoga often doesn’t just stand alone, but is a super balancing programme for many sports. Zoé tells us today why surfing and yoga go so well together for her and even has a few yoga exercises to su...
Yogalehrerin Nina sitzt auf dem hejhej-Kissen mit einer Klangschale.
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What is Tantric Hatha Yoga? An Interview with Nina Kamran

Again and again, we are inspired by the content and topics of yoga teacher Nina Kamran. Thereby, we came across Tantric Hatha Yoga and were directly quite curious about what is behind it. How is i...
Eine Yogalehrerin auf der hejhej-mat
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Grounding – How yoga teacher Dom grounds herself

Yoga teacher Dominika Koprdova lives in Copenhagen and knows the need to find grounding in the hustle and bustle of urban life – today she shares her very own grounding tips with you. We hope her ...
Ein Mann liegt auf dem Meditationskissen und dem Bolster mit dem Kopf
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Blind Yoga – A chat with Johann Mühlbauer

We are very happy to tell you a little bit more about Blind Yoga here. We met Johann Mühlbauer in Nuremberg and are very inspired by his zest for life, motivation and everyday life. Together we ha...
Erfahre in diesem Artikel mehr über Yoga für Menschen mit Behinderung.
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Yoga for people with disabilities – guest article by Lena Braun

We are very proud to give you such a valuable article about yoga for people with disabilities by Lena Braun to read. It is about much more than people with disabilities, it is also about...
Gastartilkel von achtmeter über Yoga und Verdauung
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Yoga and digestion – asanas for a healthy gut

Yoga is such a holistic support for your body and well-being. This also includes your digestion. What does yoga have to do with digestion? In this guest post, we asked the wonderful start-up ...
Eine Frau liegt auf der hellen hejhej-mat mit einer Hand in ihrem Schritt und einer Hand auf dem Herzen
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Yoga and sex, how does that fit together? – Guest article by Teresa Wittmann

Sex is a strong urge to find out something, not only about the body, not only about the other person but about everything that is hidden. Osho Teresa Wittmann is a yoga teacher and mom. She r...
Umkehrhaltung auf dem Yoga Bolster
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Yoga during pregnancy

Sabine Gallei is a yoga teacher, knitwear designer/stylist, mother of three young sons and founder of YES YOU ARE (@yes.you.are_). Sabine teaches open yoga classes, private classes, business yoga,...
Marta umarmt sich selbst um den Stress loszulassen
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How To Relax Your Shoulders – Shoulder Yoga

In this wonderful guest article, Marta Witecka, yoga teacher, describes how you can finally do something good for your neck and shoulders. Be sure to read the article to the end, because there are...
Trauma-sensitive Yoga teacher on her hejhej-mat. Her nameis Loredana Di Filippo.
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What is trauma sensitive yoga? About trauma, yoga, and the autonomic nervous system

This guest article was written by a specially trained trauma sensitive yoga teacher. Loredana Di Filippo offers (trauma)sensitive 1:1 sessions and workshops and works with traumatized people. Her ...