Yin Yoga poses stretch your muscles and fasciae deeply and calm your mind. Especially when practising calmly, the equipment can be a great help in your asanas for you to let go and stretch passively. Yoga bolster, yoga strap, and yoga blocks are the most commonly used ones by yoga practitioners. Especially in yin yoga poses. These are the asanas, in which you stretch deeply and melt into the pose deeper by the minute. Especially in the beginning or on days that you’re feeling tense, being supported by equipment can feel so good. Yin yoga poses with a bolster or other helpers can guide you towards a proper alignment. Thus support your mental and physical health, because holding a yin yoga poses for 3-5 minutes allows your body to let go of blockades and relieve tensions.
In this article we are going to introduce a few of our favorite yin asanas to you. Feel free to explore those right away with our newly launched hejhej-bolster. We wrote a blog post about the materials and way of production of the hejhej-bolster – feel free to browse it! #smallthingsmatter
To intensify your relaxation you can also spray hejhej-spray on your bolster. The scent helps you to focus the mind even better and to allow calmness more easily.
Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang are dualities from Chinese philosophy, particularly Daoism. The two principles complement each other and do not go without each other, they’re interdependent. Yin is the cooling moon power. The relaxation that follows the movement. Your body’s left side is home to that calming moon energy. The passive regeneration, the soft, the female. That is why you hold your poses for 3-5 minutes in yin yoga – to unfold your softness, your female energy. Remember: Each and every one of us carries female and male energies within ourselves. No yin without yang, no yang without yin. An eye pillow that exerts light pressure on the eyelids during the exercises is also particularly suitable for Yin Yoga.
Yin yoga poses with a bolster
For the passive regeneration of your body and your mind, we want to share five of our favorite yin yoga asanas with the hejhej-bolster with you.
1. Meditation Seats: Thunderbold Pose (Vajrasana) or Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
The Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana), as well as the Easy Pose (Sukhasana), are ideal to start your yoga or meditation practice in. If it’s pleasant for your knees, you can stay in these poses comfortably for quite some time. Please listen to your body. To get into the Thunderbolt Pose you let your bottom sink onto your heels, your thighs and calves meet. In both Vajrasana and Sukhasana you straighten your back, let your lower back, neck, and head form a straight, long line.
To get into the Easy Pose, you place your bottom on the bolster and place your calves and feet before each other on the floor in front of you. In Sanskrit, the old Indian language that yoga’s rooted in, ‘Sukha’ stands for pleasant and easy, that is where the Easy Pose got its name from. Sukhasana is a seating pose, that leaves you feeling light.

2. Child’s Pose with 2 Variations (Garbhasana)
Die Stellung des Kindes ist eine entspannende Asana, die im Yin-Yoga für sich steht. The Child’s Pose is a relaxing asana that is usually practiced after backbends or the handstand. In yin yoga, it stands for itself. It relaxes your circulatory system and stretches your spine. Classically, you sit on your heels, rest your forehead on the mat and lay your arms on the mat, next to your legs, palms facing up. A pose that you can choose at any point in your practice to get some rest.
With the bolster you got some beautiful options to alternate your Child’s Pose. You can lay the bolster out in front of you so that your extended arms and hands find rest on it. That is how you open your chest and the front of your shoulders a little more. Or you sit on your bolster to protect your knees and heels. That way your weight is carried by the bolster and your forehead can rest on the pillow, too. With these supportive alternatives, you get to feel more relaxed and softer. Maybe, with these options, you’ll be able to let go a little more.

3. Seated Forwardfold (Paschimottanasana)
A multi-faceted asana, that stretches your hamstrings, the back of your legs, and your spine. Besides, your inner organs get stimulated by you bending over. That’s extremely healthy and vitalizing. Your spine gets the chance to really take up room in the Seated Forward Fold. That way tensions are being relieved. Same with your neck. In the 3-5 minutes, that you’re in this asana, try to let go completely and feel the lenghts and softness that you’re creating by just being soft and patient. Please note, it’s not important of your hands are reaching your feet, that’s really not what this asana is about.
Your bolster is the ideal helper in Paschimottanasana. Place it between or on your legs and let your head sink onto it. If you want to leave the head a little higher, you can also place it wonderfully on the hejhej-block.

4. Reclined Hero – Supta Virasana
Perfect for everyone who’s sitting a lot. By sitting a lot in your everyday life, the ligaments on your front legs and tummy get tense and thereby shorter. In the Reclined Hero Pose you get to stretch those ligaments and get back your upright posture.
To get into the Reclined Hero your starting from a kneeling stand. Your bolster is already placed at your toes. You can use your hands to gently move your calves to the sides a bit so that you create more space for your bottom that’s sinking on your heels. Please check individually if the intensity of the stretch feels good on your thighs and most important knees. If not, feel free to stretch out your legs and concentrate on your back that’s resting on the bolster. As soon as your back is resting on the bolster you can let your arms sink to your mat and let go of all the tension you might still be holding on to. Feel how you’re naturally sinking deeper into your Reclining Hero with every breath you’re taking. Alternatively, you can place two bolsters on top of each other to soften the backbend. Once again, listen to your body only.
In this yoga pose with a bolster, you can feel how your spine, your knees, and your ankles soften up. By stretching your back, the front of your thighs, and your hip you prevent your back from hurting. Also, the Reclining Hero regulates your digestion and can lower high blood pressure. A true hero for your health!
You can also place your head on the hejhej-block.

5. Leg twist in Corpse Pose (Savasana) or Twisted Root
Savasana is the last pose of your yoga practice, the relaxation at the end. It might even be the most important pose. The quietude after the activity allows your body and your mind to process what it’s just experienced. Your muscled have time to save all the demands to your muscle-memory. So next time you’re moving into an asana your body is going to remember it from the times before.
In this twisted-variation, which is called Twisted Root in Yin-Yoga, you stretch your lower tummy muscles and nicely wring out your spine. Please make sure that both your shoulder blades still touch your mat. Even when your knee is about to rest on the bolster placed on the opposite side of your body. Mit einer Hand kannst du dein Knie leicht halten, der andere Arm ist weit zur Seite ausgestreckt. You can lay one hand on your knee, the other arm is as high as your shoulder and stretched out on the floor. As in any yin yoga asana, you can close your eyes. Relax your neck as if you’re starting at the sky or gently roll your head towards your shoulder, away from your knee. After practicing the Twisted Root on both sides you can sink into your final relaxation, your Savasana. Let your mat carry your weight for the next few minutes. Let go!

More inspiring yoga sessions with the hejhej-bolster
On Instagram, we have a wonderful Yin Yoga flow from yoga teacher aboutthatflow (Nicole).
On our favourite online yoga platform Movingroom.de there are now brand new since February 2022: Good Night Stretches.
We’d love for you to try these yin yoga poses with a bolster! Yin encourages your female energies. That includes patience and love towards yourself.
Equipment is no longer only useful for passive regeneration – but also for active yoga styles. We also introduce you to playful Yang Asanas that you can try out with the hejhej-bolster!
Brand new we also have some yoga flows with the hejhej-bolster on our youtube channel. Try directly the restorative yoga to feel safe | 20 min (english), Blind Yoga morning routine | 20 min | gentle mobilisation | for blind and sighted yogi:nis (german) or the Prenatal Yoga 3rd trimester | 30 min (german) and also for all non-pregnant women! Viel Freude beim Praktizieren!