all about yoga

Yoga strap made of hemp

A yoga strap can be very helpful for your yoga practice. Not only beginners but also experienced yogis can dive deeper into the practice with the strap. For us, it often depends on the day how we ...
Frau präsentiert dir die hejhej-bag in chalk
all about yoga

A sustainable yoga mat bag – the hejhej-bag

Sustainability is simply unavoidable. The circular economy is the most responsible way to consume. For this reason, we have developed our sustainable yoga mat bag within the framework of the circul...
graphische Darstellung des geschlossenen Produktkreislaufs der ersten closed-loop Yogamatte
circular economy

First closed-loop yoga mat – the hejhej-mat

Why are there so few sustainable companies and products? Why isn't there a closed-loop yoga mat yet? These were precisely the questions that led us to take matters into our own hands and develop th...
Grafik, die den geschlossenen Produktkreislauf einer closed-loop Yogamatte beschreibt
circular economy

A closed-loop yoga mat – it’s time for a sustainable yoga mat

Did you know that most yoga mats cannot be recycled and are not biodegradable? This means that they stay on the planet forever. In order to achieve a sustainable planet and allow future generations...