Brooklyn is a yoga teacher from Berlin and she relaxes on the hejhej bolster
all about yoga

Your weekly yoga plan from hejhej on Youtube

With just 10-30 minutes a day, you can already feel calmer and more mobilized. Try it out for yourself with these selected yoga sessions in German and English. In the summer of 2022, we launched t...
Eine Frau in einer kleinen Cabin am Yoga machen
ecological sustainability

Travel yoga

All of us in the hejhej-team love to travel. Yoga while travelling is just as much a part of it as delicious vegan food. For us, travelling means discovering new places, breaking out of our own co...
eine Frau trägt den Yoga Bolster - er kann ein super nachhaltiges Weihnachtsgeschenk für Yoga sein
ecological sustainability

Sustainable Christmas gifts for yoga – conscious giving

There are great sustainable Christmas gifts in general but you might want to give something appropriate to a Yogi:ni this year. Basically, it is very important to consider what your loved one can ...
Wie Wildkräuter deine Meditation ganzheitlich unterstützen
mindful life

How wild herbs holistically support your meditation

Rediscovering old traditions. Presenting knowledge in a modern way. We are very enthusiastic about putting a modern spin on old traditions and wisdom, making them tangible and aesthetic for today....
Notes from the team - Inspiration und feel-good Rituale
entrepreneurial journey

Notes from the team – Inspiration and feel-good rituals

Hej! We are the women and voices behind hejhej. Notes from the team are an intimate glimpse into our hearts and minds. Meet us – The people who founded and are building the first circula...
Gastartilkel von achtmeter über Yoga und Verdauung
all about yoga

Yoga and digestion – asanas for a healthy gut

Yoga is such a holistic support for your body and well-being. This also includes your digestion. What does yoga have to do with digestion? In this guest post, we asked the wonderful start-up ...
mindful life

7 uses of the Yoga Spray – the sustainable hejhej-spray

By the end of 2021, the sustainable hejhej-spray is finally in our online shop. This article is about possible uses of a yoga spray and how it can accompany you in your yoga pr...
Eine Frau liegt auf der hellen hejhej-mat mit einer Hand in ihrem Schritt und einer Hand auf dem Herzen
all about yoga

Yoga and sex, how does that fit together? – Guest article by Teresa Wittmann

Sex is a strong urge to find out something, not only about the body, not only about the other person but about everything that is hidden. Osho Teresa Wittmann is a yoga teacher and mom. She r...
Lese hier wie du ätherische Öle im Yoga nutzen kannst
all about yoga

How essential oils support your yoga practice

Essential oils are wonderfully beneficial during your yoga practice. They can positively influence your well-being. We have deliberately created a 2 in 1 application for our hejhej Yoga Spray – fo...
Transparente Infos über das neue hejhej nachhaltige Yoga Spray
all about yoga

hejhej-spray – the sustainable yoga spray for your yoga practice

Many of you have asked us how you can best clean the hejhej yoga mat in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Most yoga mat sprays on the market are not without ingredients fro...
Das nachhaltige Augenkissen liegt auf dem Gesicht einer Person die in Savasana liegt
all about yoga

The most beautiful 7 eye pillow usages with the hejhej-eyepillow

An eye pillow is perhaps a piece of yoga equipment you haven’t heard of yet. Due to the pandemic, you may not have been to a yoga studio in the last few years, or you may not h...
Die besten Yogamatten im Hotel Rosso
all about yoga

The best yoga hotels to unwind

The main purpose of a holiday is to switch off and completely relax. Sun is definitely a factor on vacation that allows the feeling of relaxation to arrive quicker but also that is not always guar...
Marta umarmt sich selbst um den Stress loszulassen
all about yoga

How To Relax Your Shoulders – Shoulder Yoga

In this wonderful guest article, Marta Witecka, yoga teacher, describes how you can finally do something good for your neck and shoulders. Be sure to read the article to the end, because there are...
Online Yoga mit hejhej-mats
all about yoga

What we love about Online yoga and MovingRoom

Sometimes, there is this one yoga lesson, that we’ll never forget. Maybe because the yoga teacher spoke harmoniously, the room smelled particularly lovely, the music really signed you out, or...
Trauma-sensitive Yoga teacher on her hejhej-mat. Her nameis Loredana Di Filippo.
all about yoga

What is trauma sensitive yoga? About trauma, yoga, and the autonomic nervous system

This guest article was written by a specially trained trauma sensitive yoga teacher. Loredana Di Filippo offers (trauma)sensitive 1:1 sessions and workshops and works with traumatized people. Her ...
Warum Yoga in deiner Periode schön ist
all about yoga

Move with your menstrual cycle

Meditation and yoga during your period can support your cycle and connect you more intensely with your body. We talked to various experts about tips and tricks for your period and shared valuable ...
sitting in the nature calms you down
all about yoga

Silence Retreat – experience of a Vipassana meditation

In the last weeks and months, we have been spending a lot of time on meditation. Especially because we spent a lot of time on the product development of the newly launched hejhej-bolster. It ...
rather light hejhej-mat
all about yoga

Resilience through yoga: the strength you are building within

Helping yourself, easier said than done. So, how does it actually work? Often, we’re hoping for someone else to fix things. People like friends, family, our partner or of course, our pet. Most of ...
Yoga-Philosophie und Nachhaltigkeit sind auch neben der Matte gut vereinbar.
ecological sustainability

The yoga philosophy & sustainability – An interpretation of the Yamas

Let’s look at the yoga philosophy from a sustainability perspective. Beginning this article we need to add a little side note about what we refer to as the yoga philosophy – because the yoga philo...
Frau macht eine Yoga Asana in der Bewegungsgarage
all about yoga

Yoga and nutrition: How you can support your yoga practice with your nutrition

The Yoga practice is all about the full breath and the physical strength should be able to be used up to your personal limits. Therefore it is very important that your body can concentrate on the ...
Kräuter zeigen dir die Verbindung zum Yoga und Ayurveda Artikel von hejhej-mats
all about yoga

5 Tips from the Ayurveda philosophy that support your yoga practice

What do Yoga and Ayurveda have in common? Both are Vedic traditions. The vedic religion is the oldest religion of India that can be found in written documents. In India, Ayurveda and Yoga have bee...