Yoga für zuhause - Yoga in der Küche kann auch toll sein
all about yoga

Yoga at home – a guide for a strengthening practice

We rush through our everyday life – both corporate and private. It’s full of appointments and we sometimes just forget to take some time in between for ourselves. Then there are suddenly times, w...
Ein Yogastudio voll von recycelten Yogamatten - hejhej-mats ist dir erste recycelte Yogamatte und in verschiedenen Studios zu finden
circular economy

The first recycled yoga mat - we all need to change

It has never been more important to think about your own purchasing decisions. We all need to change our behaviour to save our planet from collapse. We want to showcase the power of consumers and t...
Das Team WOMOM aus München. Zusammen schließen sie die Modelücke zwischen Frauen & schwangeren Frauen.
entrepreneurial journey

Being a mum and founder – 5 questions for WOMOM

We did not reach gender equality in professional life yet and women are also underrepresented as entrepreneurs. Being a mum and and a founder: more and more mothers see entrepreneurship as an oppor...
Die Chakren - Yoga ist mehr als nur körperliche Übungen
all about yoga

The Chakras – Yoga is more than just physical exercises

Chakras are another component of the ancient Indian knowledge of yoga. The word chakra can be translated from Sanskrit as wheel or disk. Chakras are the centers of consciousness and life energy in ...
Der circular Monday zeigt Alternativen zur linearen Wirtschaft auf.
circular economy

What is Circular Monday all about?

We want to give you the strategies of the circular economy to enable you to make holistic decisions about the material things in your life. That's why Circular Monday is the Monday before Black Fri...
Frau präsentiert dir die hejhej-bag in chalk
all about yoga

A sustainable yoga mat bag – the hejhej-bag

Sustainability is simply unavoidable. The circular economy is the most responsible way to consume. For this reason, we have developed our sustainable yoga mat bag within the framework of the circul...
Crowdfunding hejhej-bag - warum wir wieder eine Kampagne starten
circular economy

Crowdfunding campaign hejhej-bag – why we do it again

The most important reason why we decided to launch another crowdfunding campaign is that we want you to decide whether our new product is really needed. We don't want to simply push an additional p...
graphische Darstellung des geschlossenen Produktkreislaufs der ersten closed-loop Yogamatte
circular economy

First closed-loop yoga mat – the hejhej-mat

Why are there so few sustainable companies and products? Why isn't there a closed-loop yoga mat yet? These were precisely the questions that led us to take matters into our own hands and develop th...
Ganzheitlichkeit geht mit bewusster Ernährung wie dieses frisches Obst los
mindful life

Holistic health – you are more than just your body

It is a lingering movement but it is a movement. Luckily we are becoming more and more mindful and more aware of our planet. Just as we are more attentive to our environment, we should also cons...
the ocean as an image of sustainable traveling tips
mindful life

Sustainable traveling tips – mindful vacation

3 sustainable travel tips and our top 7 reasons for traveling in nature. Traveling by van or camping is a very sustainable alternative for traveling. Of course, traveling is always associated with ...
Spaß und Teamwork sind Teil der ethischen Herstellung einer Yogamatte
all about yoga

The ethical production of a yoga mat

The story of a hejhej-mat - the ethical production of yoga mats. We want to communicate transparently how our hejhej-mats are made and share insights into the production process with you. We have m...
Nachhaltigkeits-Bewegung: Wer macht meine Yogamatte?
entrepreneurial journey

Who made my yoga mat? – we did that!

Have you ever asked yourself the question: Who makes my yoga mat? Our goal when we founded hejhej-mats was to develop a fully sustainable yoga mat. For us, fully sustainable means doing justice to ...
Buy one, give one als erstes soziales hejhej Special für mehr soziale Nachhaltigkeit
social sustainability

Social sustainability: you buy a yoga mat, we donate one

Why do we donate a mat to initiatives for people with disabilities for every yoga mat sold? Why is social sustainability so important to us? What do the workshops for people with disabilities do to...
Yoga als Idee für nachhaltiges Fasten
mindful life

Sustainable fasting – Our three favorite alternatives

As we know from ourselves, but which also applies to a more sustainable development of our planet, most things are not good if they are done too excessively. Excessive consumption exhausts us, the ...
Eine Yogamatte spenden - Obdachlosenheime als sinnvolle Möglichkeit
all about yoga

Donate yoga mats – why we donate to the homeless

Why donate yoga mats to homeless people? Who urgently needs a mat? Blankets and mats for sleeping are a great help for homeless people, which is why we have decided to donate our product developmen...
zwei friedliche Yoginis zeigen warum du keine günstige Yogamatte kaufen solltest
ecological sustainability

A cheap yoga mat – what is the true cost?

So if you choose a really cheap yoga mat, you're not paying the real price for it, someone else is. For us, this doesn't fit in with the basic idea of yoga. It simply says "to do good".
Eine hejhej-mat als nachhaltiges Valentinstag Geschenk
ecological sustainability

Ideen für ein nachhaltiges Valentinstag Geschenk

There are many commercial holidays such as Valentine's Day. Especially on days like these, it is important to consume consciously and show society that sustainability is our future. We'll show you ...
du kannst zwei Farben der hejhej-mats Yogamatte kaufen
ecological sustainability

Buy a yoga mat for 129€, is this a lot of money? Let’s compare it to your last buying decision

129€ is a lot of money. But is it really a lot of money for a completely sustainable, high-quality yoga mat produced in Germany? We would like to encourage you to question your consumption decision...
Yogaequipment als nachhaltiges Weihnachtsgeschenk
ecological sustainability

Sustainable Christmas Presents – Ideas for a Sustainable Christmas

6 tips on how you can make this Christmas more sustainable. We all want to try to consume consciously and sustainably - even during the Christmas season. Sustainable Christmas gifts are a great and...
Junge entspannte Frau auf der Premium Yogamatte von hejhej-mats
ecological sustainability

A premium yoga mat – connecting mindfulness towards yourself the planet?

In theory, mindfulness towards yourself and mindfulness towards the planet go hand in hand. BUT: So why are we yogis practicing yoga on a harmful plastic mat? Our sustainable and premium yoga mats ...
zwei junge Frauen beim Yoga - friedvolles Yoga als Teil von sozialem Yoga
mindful life

Social yoga can offer support along a therapy

Yoga has beneficial properties for general wellbeing. Did you know that social yoga can be helpful for people with mental illness? Yoga für alle e.V. is a great NGO that makes yoga available to peo...