Crowdfunding hejhej-bag - warum wir wieder eine Kampagne starten
circular economy

Crowdfunding campaign hejhej-bag – why we do it again

The most important reason why we decided to launch another crowdfunding campaign is that we want you to decide whether our new product is really needed. We don't want to simply push an additional p...
Nachhaltigkeits-Bewegung: Wer macht meine Yogamatte?
entrepreneurial journey

Who made my yoga mat? – we did that!

Have you ever asked yourself the question: Who makes my yoga mat? Our goal when we founded hejhej-mats was to develop a fully sustainable yoga mat. For us, fully sustainable means doing justice to ...
Yogastudio voll mit hejhej-mats - warum es sehr schwer und teuer ist die besten Yogamatten zu entwickeln
circular economy

The best yoga mat requires a lot of effort

Product development at hejhej-mats has always aimed to develop the best yoga mat on the market. Now we are ready and our hejhej-mats will soon be launched on the market. Manufacturing a product exc...
Drei Yogis auf den coolen Yogamatten von hejhej
entrepreneurial journey

A cool yoga mat through emotions in our corporate life

Emotions are usually not experienced positively, even though they are so important both in our private life and when starting a business. We want to show that it is good to be emotional and tell yo...
Drei Yogis, die Yoga verkörpern - Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Crowdfunding Kampagne
entrepreneurial journey

A successful crowdfunding campaign – our key learnings

A successful crowdfunding campaign can also be quite challenging and requires a lot of work. As our crowdfunding campaign has helped us a lot in the further actions of our business, we would like t...
Wir brauchen mehr starke Frauen im Unternehmertum
entrepreneurial journey

Women in entrepreneurship – experiences and hopes

Unfortunately, we ourselves had to realize that women are clearly outnumbered in entrepreneurship. There are numerous difficulties and challenges that men do not face.
Position des Kindes auf unserer hochwertigen Yogamatte - ein Blick von oben
entrepreneurial journey

High-quality yoga mat through customer co-creation

There is always conversation about high-quality yoga mats. But what exactly is a high-quality yoga mat and how do you design such a product? hejhej-mats used an innovative tool called customer co-c...
Es gibt 17 verschiedene UN Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung
circular economy

Sustainable development goals – hejhejs contribution

hejhej-mats contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Read more about this goal and how hejhej-mats contributes to achieving it.
Zwei Gründerinnen Anna und Sophie - Nachhaltigkeit ist ihre größte Motivation
entrepreneurial journey

Sustainability – our inspiration and motivation

Sustainability is an integral part of our everyday lives. During our Master's degree in Sustainability Management in Sweden, we met some inspiring people who all helped us to understand sustainabil...